Wednesday, December 22, 2004

My BlogExplosion rant

OK, I haven't talked much about BlogExplosion, but I hafta say something now. Why do some people have to make 20 different banners, none of which identify exactly what site you are going to? I understand why they can't put the name of their site (kind of silly, if you ask me), but I think there has to be some way to let us know, so we don't wind up going to their site 10 times in 20 minutes. Or can't BE come up with a way to know we have already been to the site during a particular surfing cycle, and not keep giving us banners for that site?? I am one of those BE surfers that will actually read the blogs, rather than just wait out 30 seconds (unless it is a marketing, sports, or just really skanky). So I don't need to read this blog again until something new has been posted.

Did any of that make sense? It made more sense in my head than it did on screen.


golfwidow said...

I have learned to right-click on a banner and selecting "Properties" to determine to whom it belongs before clicking on it.

Karen said...

Thanks for the tip!!

Halden said...

I have been finding the same issues. The banners all seem to be for the same 5 or 6 blogs.

. said...

Yeah, I'm one of those that would prefer to have something mysterious so that people will want to click and see what's behind it. If you have your name on the banner, there's no mystery about it. I've had enough rejected now that I've pretty much given up on banners. They're too expensive now anyway. If you want 100 credit-surfing visits, you obviously need 100 credits. If you use those 100 credits for banners instead, you get 2000 banner impressions. You'll only get 100 visitors if you have a click rate of 5%. Back when banners impressions were 50 per credit, you got 5000 impressions and only needed a 2% click rate of 2%. Unless you can do something catchy to get a high click rate, there's no point in doing it, IMHO.

Karen said...

Yep, I know about that option. And you're right.. it doesn't always help. Even the right mouse click isn't always useful. Often the properties description is nothing more than the link to the image file, which isn't always stored someplace that makes the site identifiable.

Susan L. Prince said...

I noticed the same thing with the same sites being advertized by a few different banners. I mouse over them to find where they are going.

I actually submitted a banner that said "This banner has nothing to do with the site to which it is linked" and it got rejected because it needs to somehow be related to the site. It seems that many of the banners do not have a direct correlation to the site they least not a noticeable one. I was upset that my banner was rejected when so many banners are being displayed that do not relate to the blog they represent.

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