Sunday, December 19, 2004

And a partridge in a pear tree....

No, make that some other kind of bird in our storage room. The hubs and I locked ourselves in our bedroom today (no, not for *that*) in order to inventory the gifts we had bought the kids so far. While we were there, we decided to get a head start on wrapping so that we wouldn't be stuck doing everything Christmas Eve night, as we have had to do most years. We have a storage room connected to our bedroom... it over the garage and is as of yet unfinished. We've managed to get some insulation added to the floor, get it wired for electricity (a couple of electrical outlets and some overhead can lights), and add some heating/cooling vents. There are still access holes in the walls and ceiling where this work was recently done. So meanwhile, we are being happy little elves and wrapping gifts when we see a swift, dark shape swoop past us out of the storage room and into our bedroom. Yup, it's a bird. It flew around a bit before heading back for the storage room. Now we have to find out how it got in.... and try to get rid of it. I suppose we could just board him up inside the walls, but I'm not sure that would be a good idea. Sigh.... first a couple of mice, and now a bird. I hope we get this resolved before the we have to put the house on the market in the spring.


Anonymous said...

Ack! I can relate...we've had birds fly into our chimney and three winters and my husband had to remove two bricks (the chimney is exposed in our living room)and coax them out with nuts. We haven't bothered to close up the hole...why bother!?!

Anonymous said...

Ack! I can relate...we've had birds fly into our chimney and three winters and my husband had to remove two bricks (the chimney is exposed in our living room)and coax them out with nuts. We haven't bothered to close up the hole...why bother!?!

(Liz @ This Full House)

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