Monday, March 07, 2005

Still alive

Guess it was late Friday night the last time I posted.... it has been a whirlwind of activity around here and I have had very little time to do much of anything online, other than check email.

Saturday afternoon we took a break from getting the house ready for the open house and took the kids to a movie. We saw The Pacifier, with Vin Diesel. Great family movie! Our whole family enjoyed it and more than one person asked if we would be getting it when it is released on DVD. I imagine we will.

We were up pretty much all night Saturday night doing all those last minute things to get the house in order. The kids didn't even fall asleep until 1:30 or so... I had to go lay down with them to get them to sleep. I fell asleep and slept from 2-3, then got back up and worked until 5 or so. Slept till 7 and then got up (sans alarm, even) and got ready for church. Hubby slept till 8:15 then he did more stuff on the house while the kids and I were at church. Held the open house from 2-4 and had 5 people (pairs) come through; most said they were scoping houses for other people. I figure that wasn't too bad for our first day, especially with no advertising other than our signs. I did get a phone call today from someone who is coming to look on Wednesday; they are friends of someone who looked on Sunday.

My next big job is getting ready for the benefit auction for our non-profit adoption counseling agency... The auction is Saturday evening. I finished up the programs today and am making copies tomorrow. We have a meeting tomorrow night to finalize some things. The auction is always a lot of fun; lots of friendly competition.

Off to watch a movie with the kids...

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

We've been wanting to see that movie! Glad to hear it was we'll have to be sure and go watch!

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