Sunday, October 16, 2005

Friends, flags, and furry things

Mike Cope has written a wonderful article on friendship. In it, he quotes Larry Crabb:

The future of the church depends on whether it develops true community. We can get by for a while on size, skilled communication, and programs to meet every need, but unless we sense that we belong to each other, with masks off, the vibrant church of today will become the powerless church of tomorrow.

If you haven't read it yet, please do. Then thank God for those he has placed in your life.


Noah is playing flag football this season. We are driving about 1/2 an hour east of here in order for him to play. We actually found out about it a little late, but just in time for him to join the team in its first game. They won! His coach seems very nice, as do the other kids on the team, who were very welcoming to him. Next game is Monday night. I've never been much into football, but I think I just might learn to like it.


I forgot to tell you all that one of Emily's "babies" died while we were on our vacation. Brooke, her white rat, passed on to that great cheese wheel in the sky the same day I broke my foot. Summer is still doing quite well, though. She has taken a great liking to her exercise wheel; she tends to hop on it first thing in the morning when she gets up. She's still quite the social creature and loves to sit in Emily's lap and nap while Em is on the computer. She and Campbell still enjoy each other's company as well. She has taken to licking Campbell on the nose and trying to chew his beard hair. What a pair.


doug said...

Hello Karen, enjoyed what I scanned so far down the page today and will return to read/see more. Hope the weather is dry for you up there, just starting to rain down here in SoCali.... michele says HI!


and as is my new custom: "Euphemisms for Word Verification where it appears"

mdwsz =
Must Dally Whilst Scanning Zebras.

Donna G said...

Oooh I love Doug's ideal.

You will LOVE football, if you give yourself the chance. It is great! Strategy, planning and rough and tough hitting!!!



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