Wednesday, September 07, 2005


Emily's rats finally came home today. They were on 3 weeks of antibiotics and had to finish them before we could bring them home. Campbell accompanied us to Petco to pick them up, and while we were waiting, he enjoyed looking at the small mice... or rather, he enjoying trying to figure out how he could get to the small mice so he could eat them! So now Emily will get to enjoy her babies for about a week until we go on vacation, then a couple of her friends from church will rat-sit for her while we're gone.

Speaking of Emily, she has been honing her Paint Shop Pro skills and becoming quite talented at designing graphics. She has launched a graphics site with some of her Neopets friends here. And she has also designed a new blog. The template and graphics are hers.

We had a very industrious day around here of school and housework. There was barely time to eat... and it is so close to dinner now that I am going to tolerate my growling stomach until we get to wherever it is we decide to eat before church.


Donna G said...

Emily is a very industrious girl, even is she does like rats....

Cool blog!

cmhl said...

her blog looks great!!

and what a good sport you are to have RATS!! eeek!

Rick J said...

What an artist... I am sooo NOT! Oh, must be a pretty good friend to "rat sit" while you guys are gone.

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